Saturday, July 23, 2011


Just went through some of my much much earlier blogs posts ( not that there's many anyway) and found that some of my promised posts are not in there

Hence, I decided for my own austerity, to record them here in a order to safe guard these precious memories. Who knows what will happen to the Internet in the next 30-50 years and if my posts can still be read.

These posts are especially for my daughter Inez, who ais suckling right beside me at the moment. However, this blog is about me and my thoughts and so when maybe I leave this world, my daughter will be able to tell my grandkids how lame their ah kong is

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:Commonwealth Dr,,Singapore

Revived Blog

It's time again to revive this blog, although I don't think anyone reads this nonsense from me these days. Main reason why I'm doing this is to maximize the use of my IPad 2

That's right, Jiew Hee and I decided to burn the rest of my bonus on this thing. Well, we claim that it's if more for Inez as Jiew Hee claimed that there's a lot of apps targeted towards kids and infants.

The main reason why I don't blog at all is the hassle of logging on the com every time I feel like blogging but with the nifty iPad, alll I have to do is the click on the app and blog away. Anyway I will be starting another blog to record Inez's cute but ultimately embarrassing moments so I can use the blog to hold her hostage,ensuring her good behavior