Monday, October 22, 2007

Not going without a fight

It's been 20 days since I last posted.
Still nothing much going on in my life worth mentioning.

Jew Hee's having her exams while trying to cope with a bad s/t (which is sorethroat, learned this abbreviation during my term as MOPA)
Poor thing.

Hence, as not to divert her attention during this critical time, I try to post some interesting things, so as to occupy her time later.

First thing, came upon this popular blog from a overworked mother of 6 at

Maybe I should show the blog my mum, and made her count her blessings that we just made her clean after us. But I must really hand it to the Western moms, like my sister-in-law, for sticking to positive reinforcement of bringing up kids.

Even through the chaos their brood unleashed in their vicinity, they rarely lose their tempers to smack/slap/beat/cane the wayward child, of at least not where I can see them.

One living example is my niece, since she knows her mum is quite anti-violence. She knows her mummy will only tell her off, even if she burns the house down. However, my brother, being brought up with the gongfu rattan that my mum so expertly wields, is not as tolerant.

Although my brother is not as sadistic as my mom( hope she doesn't read this), he is prone to given my niece a slight smack on the wrist. But his poor devious, coniving, evil genius of a daughter, runs to her mommy and raps on the father.

Anyway, i digress from the topic. I'm sure that many parents (since the blog currently has already 1 million over hits since June 2007) are aware of it and even me, feels that I have it soooooo much easier than the author of the blog. It is a really good read, and helps to de-stress one. It is one of those "my life sucks, but not as bad as that" kinda of blog.

Kudos to the mothers in the world.
Now, I think I go and pray that my children would not be as bad, but then again, those stories would have make very good fodder to embarass your children with their potential spouses with those stories, like the ones my mom is repeating over and over again about us

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