The month of September is surprisingly a productive months, meaning I know at least 4 new borns coming into this
Lastly, a lot of hoohah has been raised over the PRC who declared her partiotism while showing blue SG IC. From China's point of view, it is a very positive reinforcement on China development. However, as a Singaporean, I can't help but feel sad that SG is used as a stepping stones for so many, including Singaporeans.
Somehow, Singapore is not able to instill loyalty in its residents or citizens. I know many people who still return to their native country after accumulating their savings here is Singapore. Its not hard to imagine why, as ties of kin and kith is note easily broken nor childhood memories easily forgotten.
From reading the forums, Singaporeans are not really anti FTs but rather the lax ruling that Singapore govt has adopted to facilitate the ushering of the targeted 2 million PRs. I would think the plan and rationale behind the thought is solid, however, the execution is really bad. As per most government agencies, they are very focused on the figures and charts, but failed to take into consideration the aftermath. Its true that Singapore requires X amount of new blood to sustain Singapore's growth, but does that not mean that we need them to stay and not leave once their piggy bank is full.
Singapore government as been asking the citizens to accomodate these strangers into our shores, which I felt that we had been doing quite well, apart from some bias against Indians and PRCs.
I think i'll cut short here and continue later
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